新英语作文评分标准 15_高考满分英语作文5篇

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关于”新评分标准 15“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:New Scoring Criteria 15。以下是关于新评分标准 15的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:New Scoring Criteria 15

The following is the grading criteria for a 15-point essay in the Chinese college entrance exam

1. 应用场合明确话题要求普通话水平不应影响阅读理解和写作表达注意语序、用词准确 2分

(1) Application Clearly understand the topic requirements and the level of Mandarin should not affect reading comprehension and writing expression. Pay attention to word order and accurate word use. 2 points

2. 内容质量掌握文中的主题思想并为其提供合适的支撑细节防止内容不相关或过于泛泛 6分

(2) Content quality Grasp the main idea of the article and provide appropriate supporting details. Avoid unrelated or too general content. 6 points

3. 语言表达语言流畅、清晰词汇表达准确使用句式丰富 3分

(3) Language expression The language is fluent and clear the vocabulary expression is accurate and the sentence structure is rich. 3 points

4. 文章结构具有明确的起承转合、结构严谨的文章并有明显的段落划分 2分

(4) Article structure A clear beginning middle and end structure and the article is well-structured with obvious paragraph divisions. 2 points

5. 语言规范使用标准化语言表达注意书写规范避免出现拼写、标点等常见错误 2分

(5) Language norms Use standardized language expression pay attention to writing norms and avoid common mistakes such as spelling and punctuation. 2 points


Total score 15 points

万能作文模板2:新评分标准 15

/ = = = = = = = = = task completion (for task coherence and cohesion, lexical resources and grammatical scope and accuracy, fluency and coherence, vocabulary resources, grammatical scope and accuracy and unciation.



满分英语范文3:新评分标准 15

OGETS P. effectively solve the topic and task. Well organized and well developed, using clear and appropriate explanations, examples and / or details.

Showing unity, progress and coherence. Showing consistency, diversity and proper choice of words. Idiomatic.

Although it may have some minor lexical or grammatical errors, parents are the best teachers and teachers are the best parent.


OGETS P•有效地解决主题和任务•组织良好、发展良好,使用了明确适当的解释、例证和/或细节•表现出统一、进步和连贯性•在语言使用方面表现出一致性、多样性和恰当的词汇选择,还有习语性,尽管它可能有一些小的词汇或语法错误,但父母是最好的老师最好的父母。

标签: 满分 高考

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