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The shortcut to British students | property | income | money | purchase and do anything | health | enjoy the wealth of parents | release from work | knowledge | has different meanings for human happiness. For example, some students think that if they have a lot of money or a lot of property, they will be happy. They believe that if they have money, they can do whatever they want.

Some students think they should be healthy and enjoy whatever they like. Many students hope to have a lot of wealth from their parents so that they don't have to work hard. They can With everything that I don't agree with, we can't buy many important things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge.

I value knowledge, which makes me happy, because I can do many things for human beings with knowledge. Although different people attach different importance to happiness, my happiness and wealth are in my study.




H = S + C + V in the past two weeks, we have studied the happiness formula defined by active psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) = s (the physiological set point for you to feel happy) + C (the condition of your life) + V (your next voluntary choice), and we will be in Jonathon In Haidt's excellent book "Happiness Hypothesis", we discuss the living conditions that can improve our happiness index, H = S + C + V, step peace and silent Jonathan Haidt, noting that studies have shown that we can never fully adapt to new or chronic noise pollution, noise triggers our most primitive fear response (another is fear of falling), and if we are surrounded by invasive noise, we can never completely relax. Noise neighbors are one of the most emotional reasons for family unrest. If you're unfortunate enough to live in a noisy place and have some peace and quiet every day, keep complaining to your local council.

In addition, try to put on earplugs to give you some breathing space. If you need your TV, radio or music loud, wearing headphones shows that you are altruistic to your neighbor The gradual relationship that makes you feel good with them is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness index. Usually, our deepest unhappiness comes from the bad relationship with others.

A colleague bullies or dismisses us at work, causing unspeakable misfortune. It makes us feel betrayed and abandoned. The relationship with parents or children is not established Based on compassion and unconditional respect, this can lead to isolation and suffering.

We can never fully adapt to hostile relationships, which can contaminate our happiness for no reason, hold unsolved problems in our minds, and destructive introspection. When facing such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is either to fix the relationship by facing the problems directly, or to learn to find conditions or options in life that can significantly improve my happiness If you choose, learn to step by step, and I want to share these experiences with you to show you what works and what works is crucial to improving the well-being of ourselves and others.


H=S+C+V在过去的两周里,我们研究了由积极心理学家马丁·塞利格曼定义的幸福公式,其中H(幸福)=S(你感到快乐的生理设定点)+C(你生活的条件)+V(你下一步做的自愿选择),我们将在Jonathon Haidt的优秀著作《幸福假设》中,探讨可以提高我们幸福指数的生活条件,H=S+C+V,Step Peace and Silent Jonathon Haidt,注意到研究表明,我们永远无法完全适应新的或慢性的噪音染噪音会引发我们最原始的恐惧反应(另一种是害怕跌倒),如果我们被侵入性噪音包围,我们就永远无法完全放松。噪音邻居是最能引起家庭不安的情绪原因之一理由如果你不幸地生活在一个嘈杂的地方,每天都要有一些安宁和安静,坚持向你的地方议会投诉另外,试着戴上耳塞给你一些喘息如果你需要你的电视,收音机或音乐大声,戴耳机表明你对你的邻居的利他主义,这将使你和他们感觉良好的逐步关系这是所有能提高你幸福指数的外部条件中最重要的通常我们最深的不快乐来源于与他人的不良关系一个同事在工作中欺负或解雇我们造成了难以形容的不幸与伴侣或爱人让我们感觉被背叛和抛弃与父母或孩子的关系,这种关系不是建立在富有同情心和无条件的尊重的基础上的,这会造成孤立和痛苦。我们永远无法完全适应敌对的关系,它们会无端地染我们的幸福,在我们的脑海中盘踞着未解决的问题,性的反省当面对这样的关系时,我们能做的最积极的事情就是要么通过直面问题来修复关系,要么学会在生活中发现可以显著改善我的幸福感的条件或选择的话,学会循序渐进,我想和你们分享这些经验,告诉你们什么是有效的,对改善我们自己和他人的福祉至关重要。


Don't hesitate too much in the first half of life. We shouldn't regret what we do in the second half of our life. We should seize every opportunity to find a way out in our life.

Because things are progressing very fast, we should slowly say urgent things, say serious words, humorous words, and cautiously say uncertain things. Don't say things that haven't happened, things that can't be done, things that hurt others, or disgusting things We should tell others our happiness on a specific occasion. We should not tell anyone about our unhappiness.

We should follow our own heart and interest to realize what we should do, instead of just looking forward to the future in words. Everyone is eager for a happy life, but owning wealth does not necessarily mean that we can have happiness To achieve happiness, we need to know how to get along with others. Therefore, we need to understand the core of happiness and realize our wish: "without happiness, a person will feel very painful because he always insists that what he has done is right.

Others often do wrong to him. He blames others or the environment for every mistake, instead of reflecting on himself, which makes him more and more far away from happiness A famous person once said that no one will make mistakes because of his ignorance. Therefore, if someone makes a mistake, we should care about him, forgive him, and set a good example for him.

Instead of being angry and hating him, we are unreasonable like him, because we will make a stupid mistake and keep us away from happiness.



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