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If our body is not strong, our spirit of doing things will certainly be very slow, at the same time, we lack the energy to study diseases, only attack the weak, not the strong. Why our body is not strong, because we do not pay attention to exercise, we students in physical exercise must often carry out different kinds of sports. Exercise helps us to strengthen our body and avoid diseases.

It also teaches us to cooperate, because most sports are done by teams.




Exercise have fun when you have to make a choice, most people think they have to choose between the two. Too many people tend to the latter and choose fun naturally. For example, many people prefer watching TV, or more often, it's TV rather than exercise.

We all know that's true, right? The problem is, if you don't exercise, you'll become weak and the most vulnerable It's not fun to transform, right? The question is, why not make exercise fun? For example, if TV is your favorite thing to do, why not connect your TV set to a generator, which is charged by a stationary bicycle. You know, the kind of bicycle you sell, it doesn't work, so think about it, the more times you watch TV, the more suitable you are. If you're one of those people who think it's fun to listen to music, and you spend a lot of time tapping your fingers and toes on your own, why not go further, stand up and dance, dance, or you're the kind of person who likes to be with friends, there are many ways to play with their friends, such as you can go out and do nothing or do it Better, but you can take part in a friendly game of basketball or football.

There's no rule that everyone must be as good as Yao Ming or David Becks. Yes, but sometimes there are too few players, or you may be alone. In this case, you can go for a ride by bike, borrow a book from the library, or take a walk in the park and enjoy it before you realize it Let's face the reality, exercise is work.

When we think of work, we will think of thankless suffering, but if we think of exercise as fun, it doesn't have to be like this.


做运动 享受乐趣 当必须做出选择时,大多数人认为他们必须在两者之间做出选择太多太多的人倾向于后者,自然地选择乐趣例如许多人更喜欢看电视,或者更常见的是电视而不是锻炼,我们都知道这是真的,对吧,问题是,如果你不锻炼身体,你会变得虚弱,最终会变形,变身是没有乐趣的,对吧,问题是,为什么不把锻炼变成乐趣呢?举个例子,如果电视是你最喜欢做的事情,为什么不把你的电视机连接到一个发电机上,发电机由一辆静止的自行车充电,你知道,你兜售的那种自行车,这是行不通的,所以想想看,你看电视的次数越多,你就越适合你。如果你是那种认为听音乐很有趣的人,而且你花了很多时间独自拍打你的手指和脚趾拍打拍子,为什么不更进一步,站起来跳舞、跳舞呢,跳舞,或者你是那种喜欢和朋友在一起的人有很多种方式可以和他们的朋友一起玩,比如你可以出去玩,什么也不做,或者做得更好,但是你可以参加一场篮球或足球的友谊赛没有规定说每个人都必须像姚明或贝克汉姆那样优秀,是的,但是有时候玩家太少,或者你可能是一个人,在这种情况下,你可以骑自行车去兜风,或者到图书馆借一本书,或者在公园里散散步,在你意识到之前享受阳光和风景,你正在享受乐趣 让我们面对现实吧,锻炼就是工作,当我们想到工作时,我们会想到吃力不讨好的苦头,但如果我们把锻炼看作乐趣的话,就不必是这样了。


Great changes have taken place in Physical Education in our school. Now we have more than three PE cl a week. We have at least one hour to exercise every day.

The students are very excited about these changes. More students actively partite in ball games, running and jumping on the playground. School life has become more and more wonderful, I love my school life, I like my school sports.




标签: 满分 高中

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