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关于”我的春节10句“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My Spring Festival 10 sentences。以下是关于我的春节10句的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My Spring Festival 10 sentences

1. My family consists of five members including my parents my elder brother my younger sister and me. (我的家庭有五个成员包括我的父母、我的哥哥、我的妹妹和我)

2. My father is a businessman and my mother is a housewife. (我的父亲是一名商人我的母亲是一名家庭主妇)

3. My elder brother is studying in college and my younger sister is still in primary school. (我的哥哥正在上大学我的妹妹还在上小学)

4. We all enjoy spending time together whether it's watching movies or going on family trips. (我们都喜欢一起度过时间无论是看电影还是去旅行)

5. My family is very supportive and encouraging and they always motivate me to pursue my dreams. (我的家人非常支持和鼓励我他们总是激励我追求梦想)

6. We have our fair share of disagreements and arguments but at the end of the day we always reconcile and make up. (我们肯定会有意见不合和争吵但是在一天结束的时候我们总是和好如初)

7. Our home is filled with laughter love and warmth and I feel blessed to be a part of this wonderful family. (我们的家充满了笑声、爱和温暖我感到非常幸福能成为这个美好家庭的一部分)

8. We celebrate important occasions and festivals like Christmas and Chinese New Year together as a family. (我们会一起庆祝重要的节日和节庆像圣诞节和中国新年)

9. My parents are my role models and I look up to them for their hard work sacrifices and dedication to our family. (我的父母是我的榜样我钦佩他们的努力工作、牺牲和对家庭的奉献)

10. I am grateful for the love and support of my family and I cherish every moment spent with them.(我感激家人的爱和支持我珍惜和他们在一起的每一刻)

万能作文模板2:我的春节 10 句

1. My friend's name is Lily. She is very kind and always willing to help others. 我的朋友叫莉莉她非常善良总是愿意帮助别人

2. We met in primary school and have been friends since then. 我们在小学时认识从那时起就成了朋友

3. Lily is good at playing the piano and she has won many awards in music competitions. 莉莉善于弹钢琴曾经在音乐比赛中获得过许多奖项

4. We often hang out together on weekends going shopping or watching movies. 我们经常在周末一起出去逛街或看电影

5. Whenever I have a problem Lily is the first person I turn to for advice. 每当我有问题的时候莉莉是我寻求建议的第一人

6. She is very funny and always makes me laugh with her jokes. 她非常有趣常常用笑话逗我开心

7. We both love to travel and have been to many different countries together. 我们都喜欢旅行一起去过许多不同的国家

8. Lily is a good listener and is always there to lend an ear when I need to talk. 莉莉是一个好的倾听者当我需要倾诉时她总是在那里倾听

9. She is very talented and has a bright future ahead of her. 她非常有才华前途光明

10. I am grateful to have Lily as my friend and I know we will be friends for life. 我很感激有莉莉作为我的朋友我知道我们将是一生的朋友


1. My bedroom is cozy and comfortable. (我的卧室温馨舒适)

2. The walls are painted a soothing blue color. (墙壁涂成宁静的蓝色)

3. I have a comfortable bed with fluffy pillows. (我有一张舒适的床和松软的枕头)

4. There is a large window that lets in plenty of natural light. (有一扇大窗户可以让充足的自然光线进入)

5. I have a desk where I like to study and work. (我有一张桌子我喜欢在那里学习和工作)

6. My bookshelf is filled with my favorite books. (我的书架上摆放着我最喜欢的书籍)

7. I have a cozy rug on the floor to keep my feet warm. (我在地板上铺了一块温暖的地毯让我的脚保持温暖)

8. There is a closet where I keep my clothes and ss. (有一个衣柜我把我的衣服和鞋子放在里面)

9. I have a few photos and artwork on the walls to make the room feel more personal. (我在墙上放了一些照片和艺术作品让房间更具个人特色)

10. Overall my bedroom is my favorite place in the house. (总的来说我的卧室是我在家里最喜欢的地方)

标签: 万能 小学

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