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关于”题型有哪些“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:What are the types of questions。以下是关于题型有哪些的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What are the types of questions

Some books are to be tasted, some to be swallowed, some to be chewed and digested, that is to say, some books are read only in part, others are to be read, but don't be curious, some books need to be read attentively, some books can be read by deputy, and other people's excerpts from them, but this is limited to less important arguments and more despicable books, distilled books Like ordinary distilled water, it's flashy.




Different ways to deal with things about the interaction between light and darkness of things have a deeper insight into things, a deeper insight into things doing something prosperity how to do something successfully about the causal relationship between something and other things how to deal with something effectively how to do something reading insight from the data in tables / charts, different ways of doing something about something different methods .





1. 图表作文(Graph Writing)要求根据所给的图表信息描述和分析图表的数据、趋势、变化和原因等通常包括饼状图、条形图、折线图等

2. 电子邮件或信函(Email/Letter Writing)要求根据题目要求模拟写一封电子邮件或信函内容通常涉及求职、投诉、邀请等

3. 图片描述作文(Picture Description)要求根据所给的图片描述图片中的人物、场景、动作等通过描述语言清晰地表达出图片的含义

4. 表格填写作文(Table Filling)要求根据所给表格填写相应的信息通常包括个人信息、课程安排、费用明细等

5. 说明文写作(Explanatory Writing)要求根据题目要求写出一篇说明文通常包括产品说明、流程说明等

6. 翻译作文(Translation Writing)要求将一篇中文文章翻译成英文或将一篇英文文章翻译成中文要求准确地表达原文的内容和意思

标签: 真题 考研

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