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(Internet) in today's Internet is very popular, people can quickly get a lot of useful information through the Internet, whether in the country or around the world, we can also listen to music and chat with friends from afar. The most important thing is that we can search for many native speakers of English. It can help us improve our English quickly, but it may also bring us some trouble.

We should use it correctly.




People are increasingly worried that the Internet has become an indispensable and powerful influence in our daily life for those who are unable to use and access new technologies marginalized in all aspects of economic and social activities. However, if it is not used properly, the Internet will also bring us risks. The Internet is a good source from which we can retrieve valuable information.

In addition, it also facilitates us to communicate with people who are far away from us, and its cost is much lower than that of traditional means of communication. It can become an important part of children's learning, because a large amount of information can be obtained with a click of a mouse there is evidence that the use of computers is related to slightly better academic performance. However, we have enough evidence that the Internet may be able to People have harmful effects.

For example, their addiction increases the time children and adolescents spend in front of computer screens at the expense of other healthier sports activities, thus increasing their chances of being overweight and short sighted. Children's ability to distinguish right from wrong is limited, so they will be affected by the potential pollution of harmful substances on the Internet. In short, we should try our best to reduce the negative impact of the Internet and transfer people's interests, especially young people's interests, to other areas of life.

For example, the Internet is like a coin with two sides. We must recognize its harmful potential and use it to achieve a better and more meaningful life.


人们越来越担心,那些无法使用和获得在经济和社会活动各方面被边缘化的新技术的人,互联网已成为我们日常生活中必不可少的强大影响,然而,如果使用不当,互联网也会给我们带来风险互联网是一个很好的来源,我们可以从中检索到有价值的信息。此外,它还为我们与远离我们的人进行交流提供了便利,其成本也大大低于传统通信手段,它可以成为儿童学习的一个重要组成部分,因为大量的信息只需点击鼠标就可获得 有证据表明使用计算机与稍好的学习成绩有关然而,我们有足够的证据表明,互联网可能对人产生有害影响,例如,它的成瘾性增加了儿童和青少年花在电脑屏幕前的时间,而牺牲了其他更健康的体育活动,从而增加了他们超重和近视的机会,儿童分辨是非的能力有限,因此会受到互联网上有害物质的潜在染影响。简言之,应尽量减少互联网的负面影响,将人们,特别是年轻人的兴趣转移到其他生活领域,如互联网就像一枚有两面性的硬币,我们必须认识到它的有害潜力,同时利用它来实现更好更有意义的生活。


There is growing concern that the Internet has become an indispensable and powerful influence in our daily life for those who are unable to use and access new technologies marginalized in all aspects of economic and social activities. However, if used improperly, the Internet will bring us risks. The Internet is a good resource from which we can obtain valuable information.

In addition, it makes it much cheaper for us to communicate with people who are far away from us than traditional ways of communication, and it can be an important part of children's learning because of the huge amount of evidence that the use of computers is associated with slightly better academic performance. However, we have enough evidence to show that the Internet can have harmful effects on people. For example, its addiction increases the time children and adolescents spend in front of computer screens at the expense of other healthier sports activities, thus increasing their chances of being overweight and shortsighted.

In addition, children's ability to distinguish right from wrong is limited, so they are vulnerable to the potential pollution of harmful substances on the Internet. The negative impact of the Internet should be reduced by diverting people, especially young people's interest in other areas of life. The Internet is like a coin with two sides.

We must recognize its harmful potential and use it to achieve better and better Meaningful life.




标签: 中考 真题

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