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关于”小动物“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:small animals。以下是关于小动物的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:small animals

I have a dog, whose name is Joey. He is as cute as other dogs. When he is happy, he always wags his tail.

When he wants to eat, he always follows me until I give him something to eat. He really likes him. When I'm sad, he often stays with me, as if he knows why I'm sad because of him, and he lets me get rid of the pain I can live happily.

He let me know that dogs are human's best friends. My pet is a lovely dog. Its name is Dian Dian because it has many black circles on its skin.

Diandian is very friendly. Many children like to play with it. His favorite food is meat bones.

His favorite toy is a doll. Dian Dian likes to run very fast. He has a girl friend.

His name is Na ”"It has a lot of dark circles on its skin. Doodle likes my pet very much and is a good pet.








Animal is our good friend. They can bring happiness and love to us. Some small animals are our pets such as dogs cats and parrots. They can play and sleep with us.

In addition to pets there are many interesting small animals such as erflies bees and frogs. We can see them in the garden or park. Some small animals are cute and some are dangerous such as spiders and pythons.

We should learn to protect these small animals and protect their living environment. There are many precious and beautiful creatures on our earth and they need our help.


I do not have my own experiences to write an English essay about animals. But here's a sample that might help

My Favorite Animal - The Dolphin

Dolphins are one of the most fascinating animals on the planet. They are highly intelligent social and playful creatures that love to interact with humans.

One of the things that I love about dolphins is their ability to communicate. They use a complex system of whistles clicks and body language to talk to each other and they can even mimic human speech.

Dolphins are also incredibly acrobatic. They love to leap out of the water and do flips and spins in the air. They are also very fast swimmers and can reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour.

Another thing that I find amazing about dolphins is their sense of empathy. They have been known to help injured or sick dolphins and they have even been known to assist humans in distress.

Overall I think that dolphins are amazing animals that deserve our respect and protection. They are an important part of the ocean ecosystem and we should do everything we can to ensure that they thrive for generations to come.

我的最爱动物 - 海豚






标签: 真题 高三

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