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Write at least one word according to the topic given: computer games and our health (is it good or bad for students to like playing computer games in your class? If they stay in the computer room for too long, why should you give them some kind advice? Most boys in our class like to play computer games. Some even think that computer games are part of their life. They not only play computer games on weekends, but also play computer games after school.

We all know that if they stay in the computer room for too long, it is good for their health Harmful. Generally speaking, their eyesight is much worse than others. The air in the computer room is not very clean and fresh.

If they play computer games for a long time, they will feel tired. All of these are harmful to their health, so please don't play computer games and try to kill time. Students who work in school can read or play football.

It is more important for them to study hard and keep healthy.




Video games have become a popular form of entertainment in modern society. They are played on various devices like consoles computers and smartphones. Video games offer players the opportunity to immerse themselves in a virtual world where they can explore new environments complete missions and interact with other players.


There are many different types of video games. Some are action-packed where players must engage in combat or races to win. Others are more puzzle-oriented where players must use logic and strategy to advance through levels. Role-playing games allow players to create and customize their own characters and make decisions that affect the outcome of the game.


Despite the many benefits of video games such as improving hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills there are also concerns about their impact on children and young people. Some experts worry that violent video games can desensitize children to real-world violence while others argue that excessive screen time can have negative effects on physical and mental health.


Overall video games have become an important part of modern culture offering entertainment and social interaction to millions of people around the world. As with any form of entertainment it is important for individuals to use video games in moderation and for parents to monitor their children's video game usage to ensure safety and balance in their lives.



One of the most attractive things about TV is that a novel can be on the best seller list with less than one book sold. However, a popular TV series may have millions of TV viewers. TV can make anyone famous overnight.

This is the principle behind "quiz" or "game" programs. It allows ordinary people to go on TV for the purpose of Prizes and money a game quiz show can make anyone a star. It can donate thousands of dollars just for fun, but all of that money can cause problems.

For example, in the s, quiz shows were so popular in the United States that almost everyone watched them, English teacher Charles van Doren) became rich and famous after winning the prize money. In some programs, he even had a career as a TV star, but one of the losers proved that Charles van Doren was cheating. As a result, the producers of the show, who were behind the scenes, gave the most popular players an answer in advance.

Why? Because if the audience didn't like the person who won the game, they based on his The story turned off the show, and a few years later, a film called "quiz show" was on. Charles van Doren was no longer on TV, but game shows still existed, even though they were not taken seriously. In fact, some of them tried to be as ridiculous as possible - some programs allowed strangers to go on holiday together, or tried to get married Couples quarrel on TV, or punish the losers by humiliating them.

Now the entertainment is to see what people will do, just to win money on TV, but the real gain is in front of millions of viewers.


电视最吸引人的地方之一是,一部小说可以在“畅销书”排行榜上以不到一本书的销量登上“畅销书”排行榜,但一部受欢迎的电视剧可能会有上百万的电视观众,电视可以让任何人一夜成名这就是“智力竞赛”或“游戏”节目背后的原则,它让普通人上电视为了奖金和金钱玩一个游戏智力竞赛节目可以让任何人成为明星,它可以仅仅为了好玩而捐出数千美元,但所有这些钱都会产生问题例如,在年代,智力竞赛节目在美国非常流行,几乎所有人都看了这些节目,英语教师查尔斯·范多伦(Charles Van Doren)在赢得奖金后变得富有和出名在一些节目中,他甚至有过电视明星的职业生涯,但其中一个失败者证明了查尔斯·范多伦是在欺骗,结果是节目的制作人,谁在幕后操纵,事先就给了最受欢迎的选手答案为什么因为如果观众不喜欢赢得比赛的人,他们根据他的故事关掉了这个节目,几年后,一部名为“智力竞赛节目”的电影正在上映,查尔斯·范多伦不再参与电视节目,但游戏节目仍然存在,尽管他们并没有被认真对待事实上,他们中的一些人试图尽可能的荒谬——有些节目让陌生人一起去度假旅行,或者尝试让新婚夫妇在电视上吵架,或者通过羞辱失败者来惩罚失败者,现在的娱乐就是看看人们会做些什么,只是为了在电视上人们仍然赢钱,但真正的收获是在数百万观众面前。

标签: 高分 六年级

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