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关于”下册“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Book II。以下是关于下册的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Book II


Taking a Gap Year

Recently a growing number of students have been taking a gap year before starting college. During this year they may travel volunteer work or partite in a structured program. Here are some pros and cons of taking a gap year


1. Recharge After years of academic pressure students may need a break to recharge their batteries and find their passion.

2. Experience Students can gain valuable life experience through travel work or volunteering.

3. Clarity A gap year can provide an opportunity for students to clarify their academic and career goals.


1. Cost Gap years can be expensive with travel program fees and lost income from not working.

2. Delay Taking a year off can delay a student's academic progress and entry into the workforce.

3. Motivation Some students may find it difficult to return to academic studies after a year off.

In conclusion taking a gap year can be a beneficial experience for some students but it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is important for students to carefully consider their individual cirtances and goals before a decision.






1. 充电在多年的学术压力之后学生可能需要休息一下充电并找到自己的

2. 经验学生可以通过旅行、工作或志愿服务获得宝贵的人生经验

3. 清晰暂缓入学可以为学生提供一个机会让他们澄清他们的学术和职业目标


1. 成本暂缓入学可能很昂贵包括旅行、课程费用和因不工作而失去的收入

2. 延迟暂缓入学可能会延迟学生的学业进程和进入职场的时间

3. 动力有些学生可能会发现在xx年后重新开始学术研究很困难



Two days later, the boy who played truant and crossed the border finally fell ill. His parents were cold and hungry. As soon as they went to pick him up at the port of the city, they got news that they were so excited that they couldn't believe their eyes.

His parents' reaction made the boy feel ashamed after a week's rest. The poor boy returned to school, although he was afraid that the teacher would punish him, But all the boys in the school gave him a hero's welcome. They all admired his incredible and exciting trip and asked him a lot of questions about his adventure.

The headmaster soon knew that, so he decided to relax and "punish" the boy. He asked him to give a performance to the whole school about his experiences abroad these days Speaking, won the most enthusiastic applause of all teachers and students.




Unit 1

1. 我喜欢和我的家人一起度假

I like going on holiday with my family.

2. 他不喜欢吃蔬菜只喜欢吃肉

He doesn't like vegetables he only likes meat.

3. 昨晚我很晚才睡觉

I went to bed very late last night.

4. 我们需要更多的练习才能成为优秀的英语学习者

We need more practice to become good English learners.

5. 我的家乡非常美丽有很多历史古迹

My hometown is very beautiful with many historic landmarks.

Unit 2

1. 你喜欢什么样的音乐

What kind of music do you like

2. 我们需要更多的帮助才能完成这项工作

We need more help to finish this job.

3. 他很善良总是愿意帮助别人

He is very kind and always willing to help others.

4. 学英语需要不断地练习和努力

Learning English requires constant practice and effort.

5. 他已经工作了xx年有着丰富的经验

He has been working for 10 years and has a lot of experience.

Unit 3

1. 我们需要更多的时间来准备这个项目

We need more time to prepare for this project.

2. 她一直在等她的男友回来

She has been waiting for her boyfriend to come back.

3. 我们应该尊重不同文化的差异

We should respect the differences in different cultures.

4. 他看上去很累可能需要休息一下

He looks very tired and may need to rest for a while.

5. 学习任何语言都需要耐心和毅力

Learning any language requires patience and perseverance.

Unit 4

1. 他总是很害羞不太喜欢和陌生人说话

He is always very shy and doesn't like to talk to strangers.

2. 我们应该尝试尽可能多地学习新知识

We should try to learn as much new knowledge as possible.

3. 这个城市的天气很不错阳光明媚

The weather in this city is very nice sunny and bright.

4. 我们应该珍惜每一次机会不要浪费时间

We should cherish every opportunity and not waste time.

5. 前途有望的人通常都有一些共同的特点聪明、努力和勇气

Promising people usually have some common traits intelligence diligence and courage.

Unit 5

1. 我们应该保护环境减少染

We should protect the environment and reduce pollution.

2. 他很有才华在音乐和绘画方面都很出色

He is very talented and excels in music and painting.

3. 这些词汇对于学习英语非常重要

These vocabulary words are very important for learning English.

4. 我们需要更多的解释来理解这个问题

We need more explanation to understand this issue.

5. 时间是有限的我们应该珍惜时间

Time is limited and we should cherish it.

标签: 满分 九年级

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