41是什么意思 41的读音、翻译、用法

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1. I got pulled over for speeding and then got a flat tire on the way to work. I'm such a 41 today.(我因超速被拦下,然后在上班路上爆了一只轮胎。今天真是够倒霉的。)

2. She lost her wallet, got a parking ticket, and spilled coffee on her shirt - talk about being 41.(她丢失了钱包,收到了一张停车罚单,还把咖啡洒在了衬衫上——真是倒霉到家了。)

3. Every time I play poker, I end up with a 41 hand.(每次玩牌,我总是拿到很烂的牌。)

4. I was running late for the meeting and spilled coffee all over my presentation - what a 41 moment.(我因为赶时间而晚到会议,还把咖啡洒在了演示文稿上——真是衰到家了。)

5. His car broke down on the way to the job interview - talk about being 41.(他去参加面试的路上车子坏了——真是倒霉到家了。)

6. I lost my phone, got a speeding ticket, and missed my flight - could today be any more 41?(我丢失了手机,被开了一张超速罚单,还误了航班——今天真是够倒霉的了。)

7. She bought a new dress for the date and then spilled red wine all over it - what a 41 moment.(她为了约会特意买了一件新裙子,结果把红酒洒在了上面——真是衰到家了。)

8. I thought I had the winning lottery ticket, but it turned out to be a 41.(我以为我中了彩票,结果发现是一张烂牌。)

9. He got lost on the way to the concert, lost his phone, and then got stuck in traffic - talk about being 41.(他在去音乐会的路上迷路了,手机也丢了,还被堵在了交通堵塞中——真是倒霉到家了。)


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