pg是什么意思 pg的读音、翻译、用法

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'pg'并不是一个国家的语言,它是英语中的缩写,全称是“Parental Guidance”,意思为“家长指导”。它通常被用来描述一些电影或电视节目,表示需要家长指导或陪伴孩子观看。



1. This movie is rated PG-13, which means parental guidance is suggested for children under 13.(这部电影评级为PG-13,意味着建议xx岁以下的孩子在家长指导下观看。)

2. The show has a PG rating, so it should be suitable for most children.(这个节目有PG评级,所以应该适合大多数儿童观看。)

3. Parents should use their discretion when deciding if a movie with a PG rating is appropriate for their child.(家长应该自行决定评级为PG的电影是否适合他们的孩子观看。)

4. The movie has a PG-13 rating because of its intense action and violence.(这部电影因为其激烈的动作和暴力而获得了PG-13级别的评分。)

5. It is important for parents to provide PG when their children are using the internet.(当孩子们使用互联网时,家长提供家长指导非常重要。)

6. The video game is rated PG for mild violence and language.(这个视频游戏因为轻微的暴力和语言而被评为PG级别。)

7. The TV show was given a PG rating because of its educational content.(这个电视节目因为其教育内容而获得了PG评级。)

8. The movie was rated PG due to its humorous language and mild innuendo.(这部电影因为其幽默的语言和轻微的隐晦被评为PG级别。)

9. The parents were relieved to see that the movie had a PG rating, as they didn't want their children exposed to anything too graphic.(家长们很高兴看到这部电影获得了PG评级,因为他们不想让孩子接触过于描绘暴力的内容。)


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