TextWriter是什么意思 TextWriter的读音、翻译、用法

作者: 用户投稿 阅读:18 点赞:0

'TextWriter'不是语言,而是一个英语词汇,可以翻译为“文本写入器”。它是一个.NET Framework中的类,用于向文本文件中写入字符。该类可以使用多种编码格式写入文本,如UTF-8、Unicode等。


1. The TextWriter class in C# is used for writing characters to a stream.


2. The Write() method of TextWriter writes a single character to the stream.


3. TextWriter is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated directly.


4. StreamWriter is a concrete implementation of TextWriter for writing to a file.


5. TextWriterTraceListener is used to write traces to a text file.


6. StringWriter is a TextWriter that writes to an in-memory string.


7. Using TextWriter to write to a file is more efficient than using File.AppendAllText.


8. The TextWriter class provides a convenient way to write formatted data to a stream.


9. By default, TextWriter uses the UTF-8 encoding to write text to a file.



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