Phytoreovirus是什么意思 Phytoreovirus的读音、翻译、用法

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以下是9个含有'Phytoreovirus' 的例句:

1. Phytoreovirus是植物病毒中的一个重要类别,是导致很多植物疾病的主要病原体之一。

(Phytoreovirus is an important category of plant viruses and one of the major pathogens that cause many plant diseases.)

2. 近年来,研究表明,植物副反式病毒(Phytoreovirus)在柑橘树上造成的危害十分严重。

(In recent years, studies have shown that the damage caused by phytoreovirus is severe to citrus trees.)

3. 植物副反式病毒可以通过昆虫传播,对绿色植物造成大量的损害。

(Phytoreovirus can be spread by insects and causes a lot of damage to green plants.)

4. 这种植物副反式病毒的感染,往往会导致植物长势不佳,以及叶片出现黄化、枯萎等症状。

(Infections with this type of phytoreovirus often result in poor plant growth and symptoms such as yellowing and withering of the leaves.)

5. 虫传媒的植物副反式病毒在大棚蔬菜中的流行已引起了广泛的关注。

(The spread of insect-transmitted phytoreoviruses in greenhouse vegetables has attracted widespread attention.)

6. 研究表明,一些物理因素,如温度和湿度等,会影响植物副反式病毒的传播和感染。

(Studies have shown that physical factors such as temperature and humidity can affect the spread and infection of phytoreoviruses.)

7. 我们需要采取一些措施来避免植物副反式病毒的感染,这可能包括做好卫生,控制害虫等。

(We need to take measures to avoid infections with phytoreovirus, which may include good hygiene and pest control.)

8. 这种植物副反式病毒不仅会导致庄稼死亡,还会增加生产成本。

(This type of phytoreovirus not only causes crop death but also increases production costs.)

9. 目前,研究人员正在寻找一些有效的方法来防治植物副反式病毒,以促进农业的可持续发展。

(Currently, researchers are looking for effective methods to prevent and treat phytoreovirus to promote sustainable agriculture.)


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