Stipa comata是什么意思 Stipa comata的读音、翻译、用法

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'Stipa comata'是拉丁语,翻译为细叶芒草。它是一种多年生禾草科植物,原产于北美洲的干草原和荒漠地带,被广泛用于草坪和景观设计中。它的叶子细长柔软,花序呈灰白色,花期为夏季。以下是9个含有'Stipa comata'的例句:

1. I love the way the Stipa comata sways in the wind.(我喜欢细叶芒草在风中摇曳的样子。)

2. The Stipa comata is a great choice for xeriscaping.(细叶芒草是干旱地区景观设计的理想选择。)

3. The Stipa comata is drought-tolerant and low-maintenance.(细叶芒草耐旱、易养护。)

4. The Stipa comata adds texture and movement to a garden.(细叶芒草为花园增添纹理和动感。)

5. The Stipa comata is a popular ornamental grass.(细叶芒草是一种受欢迎的观赏草。)

6. The Stipa comata requires full sun and well-draining soil.(细叶芒草需要充足的阳光和排水良好的土壤。)

7. The Stipa comata has naturalized in many areas of the United States.(细叶芒草在美国的许多地区已经天然化了。)

8. The Stipa comata is also known as the needlegrass.(细叶芒草也被称为针茅。)

9. The Stipa comata looks great when planted en masse.(大面积种植细叶芒草会显得很漂亮。)


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