Calepitrimerus是什么意思 Calepitrimerus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Calepitrimerus vitis是葡萄藤上最常见的草螨之一。

(Calepitrimerus vitis is one of the most common mites on g vines.)

2. 为了预防草螨的侵害,农民必须及时喷洒农药。

(To prevent damage by the mites, farmers must spray pesticides in time.)

3. 草螨会导致植物叶片变黄,甚至凋萎。

(Mites can cause plant leaves to turn yellow or even wilt.)

4. Calepitrimerus destructor寄生在土豆植株的叶子上。

(Calepitrimerus destructor parasitizes on the leaves of potato plants.)

5. 这个品种的植物对草螨有很高的抵抗力。

(This variety of plant has high resistance to mites.)

6. 草螨的种类很多,它们对植物的危害也不一样。

(There are many types of mites and they have different levels of harm to plants.)

7. 维生素C可以提高植物对草螨的免疫力。

(Vitamin C can enhance plant immunity against mites.)

8. 有些草螨会传播病毒,导致植物死亡。

(Some mites can transmit viruses, causing plants to die.)

9. 草螨产生的会在植物表面形成白色斑点。

(The eggs laid by mites form white spots on the suce of plants.)


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