Unicode是什么意思 Unicode的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Unicode的出现标志着计算机编码的新的到来。(中文翻译:The emergence of Unicode marks a new era in computer coding.)

2. 这种计算机编码标准可用于表达大量语言的字符。(中文翻译:This computer coding standard can be used to express characters for a large number of languages.)

3. Unicode旨在消除不同语言之间的通信壁垒。(中文翻译:Unicode aims to eliminate communication barriers between different languages.)

4. 许多软件都已经开始使用Unicode作为其默认字符集。(中文翻译:Many software programs have started using Unicode as their default character set.)

5. Unicode是一种十分强大的编码标准,它可以包含上百万个字符。(中文翻译:Unicode is a very powerful coding standard that can include millions of characters.)

6. Unicode的出现让计算机跨越了语言障碍,更好地服务了全球用户。(中文翻译:The emergence of Unicode has allowed computers to overcome language barriers and better serve global users.)

7. 许多现代操作系统都已经内置了对Unicode的支持。(中文翻译:Many modern operating systems have built-in support for Unicode.)

8. Unicode的应用范围非常广泛,从电子邮件到网页设计都可以使用。(中文翻译:Unicode has a very wide range of applications, from email to web design.)

9. Unicode的出现让人们更加容易地在网络上交流,这大大促进了全球文化的交流和发展。(中文翻译:The emergence of Unicode has made it easier for people to communicate on the internet, greatly promoting the exchange and development of global culture.)


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