inopportun是什么意思 inopportun的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Your interruption was inopportunely timed, as I was in the middle of an important sentence.(您的打断时间非常不合适,因为我正要说一个很重要的句子。)

2. I understand your concern, but bringing it up during the wedding ceremony was inopportune.(我理解你的关切,但在婚礼仪式上提出来是不合适的。)

3. His joke about the recent tragedy was inopportune and insensitive.(他关于最近悲剧的笑话非常不合时宜,也不敏感。)

4. It was inopportune for the company to announce layoffs right before the holidays.(公司在节日期间宣布裁员是不合适的。)

5. The politician's comments were inopportune and may cost him the election.(政客的评论不恰当,可能会让他输掉选举。)

6. I'm , but I think your request for a promotion right after a mistake is inopportune.(,但我认为您在犯错后立即请求晋升是不合适的。)

7. The team's decision to fire the coach right before the playoffs was inopportune and may hurt their chances of winning.(球队在季后赛前解雇教练是不合时宜的,可能会影响他们赢得比赛的机会。)

8. It would be inopportune to bring up the topic of salary negotiations when the company is going through a financial crisis.(在公司正在经历财务危机时提出薪资谈判的话题是不合适的。)

9. Her confession of love to her friend's ex-boyfriend was inopportune and caused a lot of drama.(她向她的朋友前男友表白的举动不恰当,引发了很多戏剧性的事件。)


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