lonicera japonica是什么意思 lonicera japonica的读音、翻译、用法

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'lonicera japonica'是拉丁语,意为“日本忍冬”。它是一种常见的攀援植物,在中国和日本等地都广泛种植。这种植物有着美丽的花朵和甜美的香味,常用于园林绿化和蜜蜂养殖。

以下是含有'lonicera japonica'的9个例句:

1. I love the sweet fragrance of lonicera japonica. (我喜欢日本忍冬的甜美香味。)

2. Lonicera japonica is a popular plant for fencing and trellises. (日本忍冬是围栏和爬架的常用植物。)

3. The berries of lonicera japonica can be used to make jam. (日本忍冬的浆果可以用来做果酱。)

4. Lonicera japonica is a great climber and can grow up to 6 meters. (日本忍冬是一个很好的攀爬者,可以长达6米。)

5. The leaves of lonicera japonica have medicinal properties and can be used to treat respiratory infections. (日本忍冬的叶子具有药用价值,可以用于治疗呼吸道感染。)

6. The nectar from lonicera japonica flowers is a favorite among bees. (日本忍冬花的花蜜是蜜蜂的最爱。)

7. Lonicera japonica is easy to grow and requires minimal care. (日本忍冬容易生长,需最少的护理。)

8. The flowers of lonicera japonica attract a variety of erflies and insects. (日本忍冬的花吸引了各种蝴蝶和昆虫。)

9. Lonicera japonica is a symbol of love and devotion in Japanese culture. (日本忍冬在日本文化中象征爱和执着。)


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