Hypernova是什么意思 Hypernova的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The hypernova explosion was so intense that it could be seen from millions of light years away.(超新星爆炸如此强烈,以至于可以在数百万光年外看到。)

2. Scientists are studying the phenomenon of hypernova in order to better understand the universe.(科学家正在研究超新星现象,以更好地了解宇宙。)

3. The hypernova had a profound effect on the surrounding galaxies.(超新星对周围星系产生了深远影响。)

4. Despite the bright light emitted by the hypernova, it was actually a very brief event.(尽管超新星散发出明亮的光芒,但它实际上是一个非常短暂的事件。)

5. Hypernova explosions are incredibly rare, occurring only once every few million years.(超新星爆炸极其罕见,每隔几百万年才发生一次。)

6. Observing a hypernova can provide vital information about the evolution of stars.(观察超新星可以提供关于恒星演化的重要信息。)

7. The energy released by a hypernova is equivalent to the energy emitted by billions of stars over millions of years.(一次超新星释放的能量相当于数十亿颗恒星在数百万年内散发的能量。)

8. The discovery of a hypernova in a distant galaxy has excited astronomers around the world.(在一个遥远的星系中发现一颗超新星,激发了世界各地的天文学家的兴趣。)

9. The study of hypernoave is helping scientists understand the complex physics behind these explosive events.(超新星研究帮助科学家了解这些爆炸事件背后的复杂物理学。)


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