Onthophagus gazella是什么意思 Onthophagus gazella的读音、翻译、用法

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'Onthophagus gazella'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“加西拉犀牛粪金龟”。


以下是9个含有'Onthophagus gazella'的例句:

1. Onthophagus gazella is a species of dung beetle found in the African continent.(Onthophagus gazella是非洲上发现的一种金龟子)

2. The larvae of Onthophagus gazella develop in the dung of ungulates.(Onthophagus gazella的幼虫在有蹄动物的粪便中发育)

3. Onthophagus gazella is a crucial species in the ecosystem as they aid in recycling nutrients.(Onthophagus gazella是生态系统中重要的物种,因为它们有助于循环营养物质)

4. The dung made by Onthophagus gazella are used by females for laying their eggs.(Onthophagus gazella制作的粪球被雌性用来产)

5. Onthophagus gazella is a herbivorous species and feeds on the undigested plant material present in dung.(Onthophagus gazella是一种食草动物,以粪便中未消化的植物物质为食)

6. The size and shape of the horns of male Onthophagus gazella varies between populations.(Onthophagus gazella雄性的角的大小和形状在种群之间有所不同)

7. Onthophagus gazella is one of the most common dung beetles found in sub-Saharan Africa.(Onthophagus gazella是撒哈拉沙漠以南非常常见的金龟子物种之一)

8. The bright metallic color of Onthophagus gazella's exoskeleton acts as a defense mechanism against predators.(Onthophagus gazella表面的明亮金属色彩对抗捕食者起到一定的防御作用)

9. Onthophagus gazella has been used as a model organism in ecological studies on dung beetles.(Onthophagus gazella已经成为金龟子生态研究的模式生物)


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