alphabet是什么意思 alphabet的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The English alphabet consists of 26 letters.(英语字母表由26个字母组成。)

2. The Spanish alphabet includes 27 letters.(西班牙语字母表包括27个字母。)

3. She is learning the Chinese alphabet.(她正在学习中文的字母表。)

4. The Greek alphabet has 24 letters.(希腊字母表有24个字母。)

5. The Cyrillic alphabet is used in many Slavic languages.(斯拉夫语中广泛使用西里尔字母表。)

6. The Arabic alphabet is written from right to left.(字母表是从右往左书写的。)

7. Russian children are taught the alphabet in preschool.(俄罗斯孩子们在幼儿园就开始学习字母表。)

8. The Korean alphabet is called Hangul.(韩语字母表叫做韩文。)

9. Japanese uses both the kanji and hiragana alphabets.(日语既使用汉字又使用平假名字母表。)


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