leucine是什么意思 leucine的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Leucine is one of the essential amino acids that our body cannot synthesize.(亮氨酸是人体无法合成的八种必需氨基酸之一。)

2. The leucine in whey protein can stimulate muscle protein synthesis.(乳清蛋白中的亮氨酸可以促进肌肉蛋白质合成。)

3. Consuming a diet high in leucine may help slow down muscle loss in aging adults.(摄入富含亮氨酸的饮食有助于减缓老年人的肌肉流失。)

4. Leucine supplementation has been shown to improve muscle recovery after exercise.(补充亮氨酸已被证明可以改善运动后的肌肉恢复。)

5. Leucine-rich foods include beef, chicken, fish, and soybeans.(富含亮氨酸的食物包括牛肉、鸡肉、鱼和大豆。)

6. The leucine concentration in the blood increases after eating a protein-rich meal.(摄入富含蛋白质的饭后,血液中的亮氨酸浓度会增加。)

7. Athletes often take leucine supplements to boost their muscle growth and recovery.(运动员经常服用亮氨酸补剂来促进肌肉生长和恢复。)

8. Leucine acts as a signaling molecule that regulates protein synthesis in muscle cells.(亮氨酸作为信号分子,调节肌肉细胞中的蛋白质合成。)

9. A recent study found that leucine-enriched formula can promote growth and development in premature infants.(最近的一项研究发现,富含亮氨酸的配方奶粉可以促进早产儿的生长和发育。)


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