Tissot是什么意思 Tissot的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 'Tissot' 是瑞士的词语。

2. 'Tissot' 翻译为“天梭”,是一家瑞士著名的手表品牌。

3. 以下是含有 'Tissot' 的例句:

- 我昨天买了一块 Tissot 手表,质量很不错。

(I bought a Tissot watch yesterday, the quality is very good.)

- Tissot 发布了新款智能手表,功能非常强大。

(Tissot has released a new smarch with powerful features.)

- Tissot 这个品牌在瑞士很有名,它的手表精准度和设计都很出众。

(The Tissot brand is well-known in Switzerland, its watches are accurate and have excellent designs.)

- 我的 Tissot 手表坏了,不知道能不能修。

(My Tissot watch is broken, I wonder if it can be repaired.)

- Tissot 的手表不仅好看,而且非常实用。

(Tissot watches are not only beautiful, but also very practical.)

- Tissot 这个品牌的手表可以作为礼物送给男女朋友。

(Tissot watches can be given as gifts to boyfriends and girlfriends.)

- Tissot 的手表价格有点贵,但是绝对值得。

(Tissot watches are a bit expensive, but definitely worth it.)

- 我用了 Tissot 的手表,发现它很方便带在手上。

(I used Tissot's watch and found it very convenient to wear on my wrist.)

- Tissot 这个品牌的手表在瑞士以及世界上都很有市场。

(Tissot watches are popular in Switzerland and around the world.)


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