irrefragable是什么意思 irrefragable的读音、翻译、用法

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- an irrefragable argument(不可争辩的论点)

- irrefragable evidence(确凿的证据)

- an irrefragable truth(不可否认的真理)


1. The scientific evidence is irrefragable that global warming is real and caused by human activities.(科学证据不容否认,全球变暖是真实存在的,由人类活动引起。)

2. The defendant provided irrefragable alibis that cleared him of all charges.(被告提供了不可争辩的不在场证明,使他摆脱了所有指控。)

3. There was irrefragable proof that the company had been engaging in illegal activities for years.(有确凿的证据证明,这家公司多年来一直在进行非法活动。)

4. The minister's irrefragable logic convinced even his opponents to support his proposal.(部长的不可争辩的逻辑让他的对手们甚至也支持他的提议了。)

5. The judge declared the witness testimony irrefragable and made his ruling accordingly.(法官宣布证人证词无可辩驳,据此作出了判决。)

6. The novel's irrefragable descriptions of poverty and oppression left a deep impression on me.(小说中对贫困和压迫的描述不可动摇,让我深受感动。)

7. The team's irrefragable performance in the playoffs secured them a spot in the championship game.(这支队伍在季后赛中的不可争辩的表现为他们赢得了参加冠军赛的名额。)

8. The witnesses' irrefragable accounts of the accident helped the police reconstruct what had happened.(证人对事故的无可争辩描述帮助警方重建了当时的情形。)

9. The study's irrefragable findings challenged widely held beliefs about the efficacy of traditional medicine.(这项研究的不可否认的发现挑战了人们对传统医学有效性的广泛认识。)


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