Langzhong是什么意思 Langzhong的读音、翻译、用法

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'Langzhong' 这个词语来源于中文,是中国四川省南部的一个古城名,常被翻译为“琅琮"、"狼穹"等。这座古城距今已有2300多年历史,孕育了丰富的文化底蕴和历史遗迹,是一处具有重要历史价值和旅游价值的景区。

以下是9个含有 'Langzhong' 的例句:

1. 位于四川南部的Langzhong古城是中国历史悠久的文化古城之一。(中文)

2. Langzhong ancient city in southern Sichuan is one of the cultural and historical cities in China. (英文)

3. Langzhong古城的明清古建筑和园林建筑是中国传统文化中的珍品。(中文)

4. The Ming and Qing ancient buildings and garden architecture in Langzhong ancient city are precious in Chinese traditional culture. (英文)

5. Langzhong古城历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,是中国文化遗产的重要组成部分。(中文)

6. Langzhong ancient city has a long history and profound cultural heritage, and is an important part of Chinese cultural heritage. (英文)

7. Langzhong是一个被山峦环抱的古城,人文景观和自然风光相得益彰,吸引着众多游客。(中文)

8. Langzhong is an ancient city surrounded by mountains, where the cultural landscape and natural scenery complement each other, attracting many visitors. (英文)

9. 在Langzhong古城,你可以感受到中国古代城市的独特魅力和文化积淀。(中文)

10. In Langzhong ancient city, you can feel the unique charm and cultural accumulation of ancient Chinese cities. (英文)


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