cracker是什么意思 cracker的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Could you pass me the crackers, please? (请把薄脆饼干递给我好吗?)

2. The crackers were stale and tasteless. (这些薄脆饼干又硬又没味道。)

3. The kids always love to set off crackers on New Year's Eve. (孩子们总是喜欢在除夕放爆竹。)

4. He was riding his bike like a cracker, with no helmet or safety gear. (他骑着自行车像个骑马奴一样,没带头盔或保护装备。)

5. The crackers were able to hack into the computer network and steal valuable information. (黑客们成功侵入计算机网络并窃取了有价值的信息。)

6. I heard that he's a proud cracker, with a family history of farming in Georgia for generations. (我听说他是个自豪的白人农民,家族世世代代都在乔治亚州务农。)

7. She spoke with a distinct Southern accent and used the word "cracker" to refer to herself. (她的口音很明显是南部口音,而且常常用“白人农民”这个词来形容自己。)

8. The cracker culture of the South has a rich history and distinct way of life. (南部的“白人农民”文化历史悠久,有着独特的生活方式。)

9. He was offended when someone called him a cracker, seeing it as a derogatory term for poor white people. (他听到有人叫他“白人农民”时感到很不爽,觉得这是一个贬低贫穷白人的词。)


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