lithosol是什么意思 lithosol的读音、翻译、用法

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'lithosol'是英语中的词语, 翻译为"岩质土壤"。这个词语指的是一种由岩石颗粒和土壤颗粒混合而成的土壤类型。这种土壤主要分布在岩石风化和侵蚀作用较强的地区,比如山地、丘陵地带和河谷等地。提供9个英语例句:

1. Lithosols are characterized by a low level of nutrients and poor water retention capacity. (岩质土壤的特点是营养水平低,水分保持能力差。)

2. Vegetation on lithosols is often stunted due to the lack of nutrients. (岩质土壤上的植被常常因营养不足而生长发育受阻。)

3. Lithosols can be found in a variety of landscapes, from rocky slopes to river beds. (岩质土壤可以在各种风景中找到,从岩石斜坡到河床。)

4. The cultivation of crops on lithosols requires careful management and appropriate fertilization. (在岩质土壤上种植作物需要仔细管理和适当施肥。)

5. The thin layer of lithosol covering the rocky terrain makes it difficult for trees to establish roots. (覆盖在岩石地形上的薄层岩质土壤使树木难以建立根系。)

6. Lithosols are e to erosion and should be protected with vegetation cover and terracing. (岩质土壤容易受到侵蚀,应该用植被覆盖和梯田保护。)

7. The mineral composition of lithosols is determined by the underlying bedrock. (岩质土壤的矿物组成是由下部的基岩决定的。)

8. Lithosols are a major soil type in mountainous regions around the world. (岩质土壤是世界各地山区的主要土壤类型。)

9. Agricultural production on lithosols can be improved through the use of organic and inorganic fertilizers. (通过使用有机和无机肥料,可以提高岩质土壤上的农业生产。)


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