parent是什么意思 parent的读音、翻译、用法

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1. She is a single parent and has to take care of her kids alone.(她是一位单身母亲,必须独自照顾孩子。)

2. My parents are getting older and need more help these days.(我的父母年纪越来越大,现在需要更多帮助。)

3. The school requires parents to attend the parent-teacher conference.(学校要求家长参加家长会。)

4. He was raised by his grandparents instead of his biological parents.(他是由他的祖父母抚养长大的,而不是他的生物父母。)

5. Parents should be aware of their children's online activities.(家长应该关注孩子们的在线活动。)

6. Have you met the parents of your boyfriend yet?(你见过你男友的父母吗?)

7. There are many resources available to help single parents.(有很多资源可以帮助单身父母。)

8. The child was removed from their parents due to neglect.(由于疏忽,孩子被收养了。)

9. Parental involvement is crucial for a child's success in school.(家长参与对孩子在学校的成功非常关键。)


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