Nelumbo nucifera是什么意思 Nelumbo nucifera的读音、翻译、用法

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'Nelumbo nucifera'是拉丁语,翻译为荷花,是荷属植物的学名,也叫莲花。这种植物生长在水中,花色丰富,有红、粉、白、黄等多种颜色,是中国传统文化中的重要元素之一,也被广泛应用于中药、食品、园林等领域。

以下是9个含有'Nelumbo nucifera'的例句:

1. Nelumbo nucifera是中国南方最常见的水生植物之一,也被称为莲花。

(Nelumbo nucifera is one of the most common aquatic plants in southern China, also known as lotus.)

2. 在中国文化中,莲花象征着纯洁和高贵。

(In Chinese culture, lotus symbolizes purity and ility.)

3. 为了庆祝夏至,人们通常会煮莲花汤。

(To celebrate the summer solstice, people usually make lotus soup.)

4. 莲花在中国的茶文化中扮演着重要的角色。

(Lotus plays an important role in tea culture in China.)

5. 在古代中国,妇女通常会佩戴莲花作为头饰。

(In ancient China, women usually wore lotus as headdress.)

6. 莲花的根部可以食用,被称为莲藕。

(The root of lotus is edible and is called lotus root.)

7. 莲花是印度教文化中的重要符号之一。

(Lotus is one of the important symbols in Hindu culture.)

8. 莲花被认为具有清热解毒、润肺止咳的药用价值。

(Lotus is believed to have medicinal value in clearing heat and detoxifying, moistening lungs and suppressing cough.)

9. 她的家里养了很多莲花,每到夏天都会开得特别美。

(She has many lotus at home, which bloom particularly beautifully in summer.)


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