Lotella rhacina是什么意思 Lotella rhacina的读音、翻译、用法

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'Lotella rhacina'这个词语是拉丁语,表示一种鱼类。它的中文翻译是“锉鳞柄鳕”。这种鱼生活在深海中,是一种很温和的鱼类,通常用来制作美食。

以下是9个含有‘Lotella rhacina’这个词语的例句:

1. The locals are famous for their delicious 'Lotella rhacina' dishes. (当地人以他们美味的锉鳞柄鳕菜肴而闻名。)

2. I saw a school of 'Lotella rhacina' swimming by the reef. (我看到一群锉鳞柄鳕在珊瑚礁旁游来游去。)

3. The fishmonger sold a fresh batch of 'Lotella rhacina' at the market today. (今天鱼贩在市场上卖了新鲜的锉鳞柄鳕。)

4. We caught a few 'Lotella rhacina' during our deep-sea fishing trip. (我们在深海旅行中捕获了一些锉鳞柄鳕。)

5. The 'Lotella rhacina' is a popular fish among seafood lovers. (锉鳞柄鳕是海鲜爱好者中很受欢迎的一种鱼。)

6. The 'Lotella rhacina' is known for its delicate flavor and tender meat. (锉鳞柄鳕以其细腻的味道和嫩肉而著名。)

7. tried 'Lotella rhacina' before, but I heard it tastes amazing. (我以前从没尝试过锉鳞柄鳕,但我听说它的口感很棒。)

8. The 'Lotella rhacina' is commonly found in the waters off the coast of Australia. (锉鳞柄鳕通常出现在澳大利亚海岸海域。)

9. The chef recommended the 'Lotella rhacina' as the catch of the day. (主厨推荐当天的特色菜是锉鳞柄鳕。)


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