Pratylenchus coffeae是什么意思 Pratylenchus coffeae的读音、翻译、用法

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'Pratylenchus coffeae'是英语词语,中文翻译为咖啡疫线虫,是一种寄生在咖啡树根部的线虫。这种线虫会造成咖啡根部的损害,影响咖啡树的生长和产量。


1. The coffee farm was infested with Pratylenchus coffeae, causing a decrease in yield.(咖啡农场受到咖啡疫线虫的侵害,导致产量下降。)

2. Pratylenchus coffeae can survive in the soil for several years, it difficult to control.(咖啡疫线虫可以在土壤中存活数年,难以控制。)

3. The symptoms of Pratylenchus coffeae infection include wilting and stunting of the coffee plant.(咖啡疫线虫感染的症状包括咖啡植株的萎蔫和矮化。)

4. Pratylenchus coffeae is a major pest of coffee crops in many countries.(咖啡疫线虫是许多国家咖啡作物的主要害虫。)

5. The use of resistant coffee varieties is a common strategy for controlling Pratylenchus coffeae. (使用抗咖啡疫线虫的咖啡品种是控制该线虫的常见策略。)

6. Pratylenchus coffeae can also infect other crops, such as bananas and pineapples.(咖啡疫线虫也能感染其他作物,例如香蕉和菠萝。)

7. The damage caused by Pratylenchus coffeae can be minimized by implementing good soil management practices.(通过实施良好的土壤管理实践可以减少咖啡疫线虫造成的损害。)

8. The economic impact of Pratylenchus coffeae on coffee production can be significant.(咖啡疫线虫对咖啡生产的经济影响可能很大。)

9. The development of new control methods for Pratylenchus coffeae is an important research area.(开发新的咖啡疫线虫控制方法是一个重要的研究领域。)


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