olestra是什么意思 olestra的读音、翻译、用法

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'olestra'不是任何一个国家的语言,它是一种化学物质,也叫做Olean,是由Procter & Gamble公司开发的一种脂肪替代品。它被用于生产膳食零食和油炸食品,以减少脂肪摄入量。但是,它也引起了一些负面反应,例如导致腹泻等消化系统问题。常见的翻译包括“奥列斯特拉”、“奥莱纳”、“欧力士”等。


1. Olestra is a zero-calorie fat substitute that is used in many snacks and fried foods.(奥列斯特拉是一种零卡路里的脂肪替代品,被用于许多零食和油炸食品。)

2. Many people avoid eating foods that contain olestra due to its reputation for causing digestive problems.(由于奥列斯特拉声称会引起消化问题,许多人避免食用含有它的食品。)

3. Olean chips contain olestra and are marketed as a healthier snack option.(欧力士薯片含有奥列斯特拉,并被营销为一种更健康的零食选项。)

4. The FDA requires that products containing olestra be labeled with a warning about potential digestive side effects.(FDA要求含有奥列斯特拉的产品标注有关潜在消化副作用的警告。)

5. Many consumers have reported experiencing stomach cramps and diarrhea after consuming foods made with olestra.(许多消费者报告称,在食用含有奥列斯特拉的食品后出现了腹部绞痛和腹泻。)

6. Olean was granted a patent in 1971, but it wasn't until the 1990s that olestra was approved for use in food products.(欧力士于xx年获得了专利,但直到xx年代奥列斯特拉才获得了在食品中使用的批准。)

7. Many health experts warn against consuming foods made with olestra, citing concerns about its impact on digestive health.(许多健康专家警告说,食用含有奥列斯特拉的食品可能会对消化健康产生影响。)

8. Some snack manufacturers have stopped using olestra in their products due to the negative publicity surrounding its potential side effects.(由于与潜在副作用有关的负面宣传,一些零食生产商已停止在其产品中使用奥列斯特拉。)

9. Although olestra is not currently used in many food products, it remains a controversial ingredient among consumers and health experts.(尽管奥列斯特拉目前在许多食品中没有使用,但在消费者和健康专家中仍然是一个有争议的成分。)


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