puncture是什么意思 puncture的读音、翻译、用法

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1. He accidentally stepped on a nail and the sharp object punctured his foot. (他不小心踩到了一根钉子,锋利的物品扎破了他的脚)

2. The doctor gave the patient a puncture to extract some spinal fluid for ysis. (医生进行了一次腰穿手术,获取一些脊髓液用于分析)

3. The cyclist's tire got punctured by a piece of glass on the road. (自行车骑手的轮胎被路上的一块玻璃扎破了)

4. She had to get a tet shot after her finger was punctured by a rusty nail. (她的手指被一根生锈的钉子扎破了,因此她得打防破针)

5. The football player got a puncture wound on his leg from an opponent's cleat. (足球运动员的腿被对手的球鞋刺破了)

6. The bee punctured the skin of the child, leaving a small red p. (蜜蜂扎破了孩子的皮肤,留下了一个小红肿)

7. The injection left a small puncture mark on her arm. (注射在她的手臂上留下了一个小的刺破痕迹)

8. I had to repair the puncture in my bicycle tire before I could ride it again. (我得先修补自行车轮胎上的穿孔,才能再次骑车)

9. The surgeon used a surgical needle to puncture the cyst and drain the fluid. (外科医生使用手术针扎破囊肿,排出液体)


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