Neoascaris vitulorum是什么意思 Neoascaris vitulorum的读音、翻译、用法

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'Neoascaris vitulorum'不是一个国家的语言,它是动物学上的一个名称,指的是牛蛔虫。这个词语通常只在动物学、兽医学等领域被使用。


1. Neoascaris vitulorum is a common intestinal parasite in young calves.(牛蛔虫是幼牛常见的肠道寄生虫。)

2. The effectiveness of different anthelminthic drugs on Neoascaris vitulorum needs to be evaluated.(需要评估不同驱虫药对牛蛔虫的有效性。)

3. The life cycle of Neoascaris vitulorum involves ingestion of infective eggs by young calves.(牛蛔虫的生命循环涉及幼牛摄入感染性的。)

4. Regular deworming can help control Neoascaris vitulorum infection in cattle.(定期驱虫可以帮助控制牛蛔虫感染。)

5. The transmission of Neoascaris vitulorum can be reduced by good hygiene practices.(良好的卫生实践可以减少牛蛔虫的传播。)

6. Neoascaris vitulorum infections can cause weight loss and diarrhea in calves.(牛蛔虫感染可以导致幼牛体重下降和腹泻。)

7. Intensive grazing practices can increase the risk of Neoascaris vitulorum infection in cattle.(密集放牧做增加牛蛔虫感染的风险。)

8. Neoascaris vitulorum larvae can migrate to different organs in the calf's body.(牛蛔虫幼虫可以在幼牛的身体中移行到不同的器官。)

9. The diagnosis of Neoascaris vitulorum infection can be made by examining samples under a microscope.(通过显微镜检查粪便样本可以诊断牛蛔虫感染。)


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