Jeremy Bentham是什么意思 Jeremy Bentham的读音、翻译、用法

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'Jeremy Bentham'这个词语来源于英语,是19世纪英国的一位著名哲学家、法学家、思想家和社会改革家的名字。他主张通过合理的社会制度和政策来实现最大程度的幸福和最小化的痛苦。这个词语在中文中翻译为“杰里米·邦瑟姆”。


1. Jeremy Bentham提出的“最大幸福原则”是现代公共福利政策的基石。

(英文:The principle of maximum happiness proposed by Jeremy Bentham is the cornerstone of modern public welfare policies.)

2. Jeremy Bentham在其著作《原则的哲学》中详细阐述了他的哲学理论。

(英文:Jeremy Bentham elaborated his philosophical theory in his work "Principles of Political Philosophy".)

3. Jeremy Bentham开创性地将实证主义的方法应用于社会学。

(英文:Jeremy Bentham pioneered the application of positivist methods to sociology.)

4. 自由主义哲学家和家 Jeremy Bentham 一直在为废除死刑而奋斗。

(英文:The liberal philosopher and politician Jeremy Bentham has long been fighting for the abolition of the death penalty.)

5. Jeremy Bentham认为,制度应该以人们的最大幸福为最高目标。

(英文:Jeremy Bentham believed that political systems should aim at the maximum happiness of the people.)

6. Jeremy Bentham的思想在19世纪欧洲的和社会改革中起到了重要作用。

(英文:The ideas of Jeremy Bentham played an important role in the political and social reforms of 19th-century Europe.)

7. Jeremy Bentham提出了著名的“普遍博爱主义”,即全人类都应受到同等的关注和关怀。

(英文:Jeremy Bentham proposed the famous doctrine of "universal benevolence", which calls for equal concern and care for all humans.)

8. Jeremy Bentham主张将权利和义务视为相互依存的,因此权力应该受到严格的限制和监督。

(英文:Jeremy Bentham argued for the interdependence of rights and duties, and therefore political power should be strictly limited and supervised.)

9. Jeremy Bentham的思想深刻地影响了现代道德哲学和理论。

(英文:The ideas of Jeremy Bentham have profoundly influenced modern moral philosophy and political theory.)


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