Mooning是什么意思 Mooning的读音、翻译、用法

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1. He got arrested for mooning at the police officer. (他因在警官面前卖被逮捕。)

2. The kids thought it was funny to moon at the passing cars. (孩子们觉得对着驶过的车辆卖很有趣。)

3. She got kicked out of the party for mooning at the guests. (她因对着客人卖而被赶出了派对。)

4. The football player was fined for mooning at the fans. (足球运动员因对着球迷卖被罚款。)

5. The singer caused controversy by mooning during her performance. (歌手在演出中露引起了争议。)

6. The teacher scolded the students for mooning in class. (老师因在课堂上卖而批评了学生。)

7. The politician's career was ruined by a photo of him mooning at a rally. (政客因在一次上露的照片而毁了他的职业生涯。)

8. The prankster thought it would be funny to moon at the security camera. (恶作剧者觉得对着监控摄像头卖很好笑。)

9. The movie scene was censored because it showed a character mooning at the audience. (电影场景因展示一个角色对着观众露而被。)


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