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My 14-year-old son, John, and I found this coat at the same time. It was on the shelf of a second-hand clothing store in Northampton, Massachusetts. It was filled with shoddy windcoats and all kinds of pathetic wool coats, while others hung down.

The coat looked thick. Double breasted Chesterfield's black wool was soft and uncut It was as if it had been preserved in moth for years in the trunk of Uncle Henry's old ship. The coat has a black velvet collar, a beautiful cut, a Fifth Avenue label, and an incredible dollar price.

We looked at each other and said nothing, but John's eyes flashed with black wool. Coats were popular among age boys at the time, but new ones could cost hundreds of dollars. This coat is better, with a classical elegance from the past.

John turned into a satin sleeve lining, turned into a satin sleeve lining, and quickly turned into a mirror. It fits perfectly. John went to school in his coat the next day and came home with a grin.

"Do the kids like your coat?" I asked, "they like it," he said, folding it carefully on the back of his chair and smoothing it out. I began to call him "Lord Chesterfield" and "the Great Gatsby." over the next few weeks, John's attitude changed, agreement replaced contradiction, quiet, rational discussion replaced argument. He became wiser, more polite, more considerate, eager to have a good dinner, mom He would say every night that he would generously lend the tape to his brother and tell him the details of his behavior without any objection.

One day, when I suggested that he start doing his homework before dinner, he would move in firewood. John was an experienced procrastinator.







-- it is obvious that the largest (adj XX is a, accounting for m of X, B is the second largest (adjxx n is lower than a in all x, followed by C) the above three terms of XX account for O of X, compared with D E and f minimize the percentage of UO in the total x, which are PQ and R respectively. On the contrary, the situation of one group and the other group includes composition, possession, composition and coverage. The proportion of population is lower than the current total population.

It is expected that a quarter of the majority of people (BBC) have something in common with a and B, and a shares have some similarities. The difference between a and B is: 2 times The value of the house has increased by four times (= it is now worth four times, more than twice as much as before.


――很明显,最大的(adj xx是A,占x的m,B是第二大的(adjxx n低于所有x中的A,紧随其后的是C)xx的上述三项占x的o,相比之下,D E和f使uo占总x的百分比最小,分别是pq和r其中一个群体和另一个群体的情况相反,形式包括组成、占有、构成、覆盖,占城市人口的比例低于现在的人口总数,预计到(英国广播公司)四分之一的多数人A与b有共同之处,A股有一些相似之处a和b之间的差别在于:2倍→3倍→4倍→这所房子的价值增加了4倍(=它现在的价值是以前的四倍,是调整前的两倍多。


Title The Importance of Learning English

English is a global language that is spoken by millions of people around the world. It is the official language of many countries and is widely used in business education and communication. In today's globalized world learning English has become increasingly important.


Firstly learning English can enhance one's career opportunities. Many international companies require their employees to speak English fluently in order to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients from different countries. In addition many job vacancies in various fields require applicants to have a good command of English.


Secondly learning English can help broaden one's horizon. English is the language of international communication which means that it is used in many different contexts such as business science and entertainment. By learning English one can communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds access information from different sources and partite in global conversations.


Finally learning English can improve one's cognitive skills. Studies have shown that learning a second language can enhance memory concentration and problem-solving abilities. In addition being bilingual can also delay the onset of cognitive decline in old age.


In conclusion learning English is not only important for career development but also for personal growth. By learning English one can open up new opportunities broaden one's horizons and improve cognitive skills. Therefore it is essential that we continue to promote the learning of English in our education system and society as a whole.


标签: 满分 范文 雅思

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