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关于”创建美丽校园“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Create a beautiful campus。以下是关于创建美丽校园的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Create a beautiful campus

It is an important work to build and maintain the green campus in China. Obviously, more and more people begin to realize that this is our responsibility. In today's world, the concept of green world has become the focus of society.

The concept of green campus has gone beyond the green environment. The development of campus should be sustainable and recyclable. The budget of some authorities should be about how to reduce waste.

We are better aware of the pollution around us It is necessary for us to take effective measures to protect our campus from waste and pollution. Therefore, these activities will play an increasingly important role in our daily life. No doubt, we must further consider our green campus.




To create / establish / establish a beautiful campus landscape not only needs to improve the system, but also needs everyone's efforts. In recent years, the surrounding environment has a great impact on our study and life, and the creation of green campus has been the common goal of most colleges and universities. Creating a green campus has a great impact on students, because most of them spend their time on campus.

However, in my opinion, to create a green campus, we should not only plant more trees and grass, beautify the campus environment, but also create an energy efficient and resource recycling campus, so that everyone in the campus can form the habit of rational use of resources and energy conservation. The school should encourage students to follow We need to work together to create a green campus by full use of resources. We can achieve this through some small things in our daily life, such as turning off the lights when we leave.




As students we spend a significant portion of our time on campus. Therefore it is important that our school is beautiful and clean it a pleasant and comfortable environment for studying and socializing.

To create a beautiful campus we need to start with the basics cleanliness. It is essential that our school is free of clutter and rubbish with regular cleaning every day. This helps to create a clean and tidy environment that is conducive to study.

Another important factor in creating a beautiful campus is landscaping. Trees flowers and shrubs can add beauty and color to our school it a more inviting place for students and staff alike. Well-maintained lawns and gardens also help to create a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere that is conducive to learning.

Finally we must also pay attention to the buildings on campus. We should strive to keep them in good condition with regular maintenance and repairs. This not only improves their appearance but also prolongs their lifespan saving money in the long run.

By creating a beautiful and well-maintained campus we can help to enhance the quality of our education and the experience of being a student. Let us all work together to create a better school environment for everyone.






标签: 真题 初二

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