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关于”不文明现象“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:uncivilized phenomenon。以下是关于不文明现象的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:uncivilized phenomenon


In recent years there have been increasing incidents of uncivilized behaviors in our society which have aroused great concerns and attention from the public. Some of these behaviors are rude impolite or disrespectful while others are illegal or harmful to people’s health and safety.


For example some people litter spit or urinate in public which not only make the environment dirty and unpleasant but also spread diseases and pollute the air and water. Some people smoke or drink alcohol in non-smoking or non-drinking areas which not only violate the rules and regulations of public places but also expose others to the risks of passive smoking or drunken driving.


Other uncivilized behaviors include cutting in line talking loudly on the phone or in public places pushing or shoving others in crowded areas showing disrespect to elders or women using foul language or gestures and so on. All of these behaviors not only violate the basic norms of social morality and etiquette but also create tension conflicts and even violence among people.


Therefore it is important for everyone to cultivate and practice civilized behaviors in our daily lives such as being polite and courteous to others following the rules and regulations of public places respecting differences and diversity protecting the environment and public property and so on. By doing so we can create a harmonious and civilized society where everyone can live in peace and dignity.



As for uncivilized behavior, we can't help but notice that there are countless uncivilized behaviors in our daily life, such as spitting everywhere, talking loudly, littering, swearing in public places, etc. These are an ancient civilized country that we should not ignore. An editorial on the official website of the people's daily pointed out that China is experiencing a surge of improper behaviors, Every Chinese citizen should be ashamed of the uncivilized behavior of many Chinese at home and abroad, which has seriously affected the image of China.

As Chinese, we should not be offended when others point out our weaknesses. We should pay more attention to improving ourselves. We should try to find out the causes of these misbehaviors and find ways to eliminate them.

I think there are many reasons. Behind this trend, there is only one: the lack of moral education. The government should launch a large-scale moral movement to fight against this trend.

We should also strive to behave decently in our daily life. As college students in the new era, we should play a leading role.


关于不文明行为 我们不能不注意到日常生活中存在着无数的不文明行为,如随地吐痰、大声喧哗、乱扔垃圾、在公共场所说脏话等等,这些都是我们不应该忽视的一块古老的文明古国,《日报》官方网站的一篇社论指出,中国正经历着一股不正当行为的激增,每一个中国公民都应该为国内外许多中国人的不文明行为感到,这严重影响了中国的形象。作为中国人,当别人指出我们的弱点时,我们不应该被冒犯我们应该把更多的注意力放在提高自己上。我们应该努力找出导致这些不当行为的原因,并找出消除这些行为的方法。



With the development of society uncivilized behaviors have become more common in our daily lives. For example people throwing trash everywhere spitting on the ground cutting queues and talking loudly in public places. These behaviors not only affect the image of our country but also disturb social order.

Firstly littering is a serious problem that causes environmental pollution. Our streets rivers and parks are full of trash which not only looks unattractive but also threatens the health of humans and animals. It is essential for everyone to take responsibility for their waste and dispose of it properly.

Secondly spitting and talking loudly in public spaces are also common uncivilized behaviors. These not only disturb the peace of others but also spread germs and diseases. It is essential to show respect towards others and maintain a clean and healthy environment.

Finally cutting queues is also a serious problem that creates chaos and anger among the public. It is crucial for everyone to learn to be patient and wait their turn. This helps maintain social order and harmony.

In conclusion uncivilized behaviors negatively impact society and our environment. We should all take responsibility for our actions and work together to create a cleaner and more respectful society.

标签: 真题 高中

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