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The problem of environmental protection is becoming more and more serious. I have many friends, one of whom is my classmate Ma Hua and one of the best students in our class. He likes English and is good at it.

He often practices reading aloud, so his unciation is very good. He's always ready to help others, and I've made up my mind to catch up with him and join the league in the near future. My birthday is on the day that my parents and friends celebrate for me every year.

We usually hold a small birthday party at home and invite my friends to dinner. We chat, watch TV or play games. We are really happy.

When we play, my parents prepare a delicious dinner. My friends and I like these dishes very much, I can get some gifts from my parents and friends. I'm happy because they always know what I want and need, but on the other hand, when my birthday comes, I'm one year older, so I have to be more rational and independent.

It's also a time for me to express my gratitude to my parents, who work hard and try their best to bring me up.





I had an interesting dream last night. I had an interesting dream. In the dream, I accidentally got a magic pen.

I could write beautiful Chinese characters with it. Then I took part in a calligraphy competition with the help of this pen. I became famous very quickly.

Many people came to beg me for some words that I was very proud of. But when I took up my pen and wrote down a word, I found it very ugly. The pen no longer had magic.

I saw this and I was sweating. People knew what it meant. They all laughed at me and said that I was a liar and I wanted to find one The place was hidden but not found.

And then I woke up. I know there is no magic pen in the world. Only when I work hard can I write beautiful words.





PEPUnit 1 my claoom a let's learn let's do C let's sing what's in the claoom on the boat, two lights, many tables and chairs, claoom, windows, doors, paintings, boards, lights, what's in the claoom claoom claoom, windows, doors, pictures, blackboards, light windows WV "what's in the claoom" unit let's learn / warm up / review recall the contents of 1 "reciting" pictures pictures, pencils, rulers, schoolbags, books , pencil box, pencil sharpener, eraser, crayon, what's in the pencil case? How many pencils / pencils in the pencil box / there is a ruler and two pencils in the pencil box to demonstrate what's a claoom in the claoom desk, chair, picture claoom unit let's learn / a what's a board in the claoom, two lights, many tables and chairs, boards, lamps, tables and chairs How many pieces of wood a board two lights how many let us learn claoom there are a lot of things what are they What is this Work in pairs Let's do a lot of things in the claoom: open the door, turn on the lights, clean the windows, paint, clean the blackboard, sweep the floor, practice "listen and find" the door, "homework, listen, draw, say this is my claoom. What pictures are there in the claoom? Two boards, two doors, three windows, six lights, many tables and chairs.


PEPUnit 1我的教室A让我们学习让我们做C让我们唱教室里的东西在船上,两盏灯,许多桌椅教室,窗,门,画,板,灯,教室里有什么教室,窗户,门,图片,黑板,光窗WV“教室里有什么”单元让我们学习/热身/复习回收1“唱诵”图片中的内容图片铅笔、尺子、书包、书、铅笔盒、卷笔刀、橡皮擦、蜡笔、钢笔包里有什么铅笔在铅笔盒里多少支铅笔/铅笔在铅笔盒里有一把尺子,两支铅笔演示这是一个教室什么在教室里桌子,椅子,图片教室教室单元让我们学习/a教室里什么是教室里的一块板,两盏灯,许多桌椅板,灯,桌子和椅子多少块木板一块板两盏灯多少让我们学习教室里有很多东西什么是他们吗…这是什么…双人作业:…让我们在教室里做很多事情:开门,开灯,擦窗户,贴图画,擦黑板,扫地,练习“听一找”门,“作业听,画,说这是我的教室教室教室里有什么图片,两张木板,两扇门,三扇窗户,六盏灯,许多桌椅。

标签: 真题 六年级

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