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Dear XXX: good day, I'm glad to hear that you won the scholarship. In my opinion, scholarship is the best reward for your hard work and enterprising spirit. You always get high marks in exams.

Of course, when we were in the same class, we got a lot of comments from the teachers. Moreover, when I came, you helped me a lot. For some problems, no matter what, you will try your best to help me.

I am very grateful. Up to now, you are my example and the direction of progress. XX, my sincere friend, wish you enjoy your award.

This is your honor. I also hope you can achieve greater success in the future. Sincerely you, XXX ladies and gentlemen, morning Well, I'm very happy to stand here and tell you that life is a process of growth.

In fact, I stand here to be a growth. If a person's life must be composed of various choices, then I will grow up with these choices. Once I hoped to go to university in the future, but that has passed.

You know, I came here, and now I want to know my future When I came to this school, I said to myself: This is my near future, everything from here, I want to learn to become a man, a complete person, he has a good body, can undertake important tasks, have independent thinking, open mind, in-depth thinking, have the ability to judge right and wrong, once had a perfect job, my old man The teacher said: you are not sewing, you are a stylist. Never forget that what you should show people is your thoughts, not your crafts. I will put my personality and my interests and abilities into my study.

In this process, I will combine learning with doing. If I can realize this future, I think I really grow up, and I deeply believe in family, friendship and love How to say the future is perfect and happy? Maybe it is a beautiful wish. Let's make up our minds and stick to it.

We will enjoy our life. Thanks to Liu Xiang for winning the championship, history has become history. This one-year-old young man won the men's high jump gold medal with amazing results in the Olympic Stadium of the 10th Olympic Games in Athens last Friday The world record set by British player Colin Jackson in.






1. 描写人物写一个人的外貌、性格、爱好等等

2. 描写事物描写一个事物的形状、颜色、用途等等

3. 告诉经验写一个人做某件事的经验包括步骤、注意事项等等

4. 指南建议向读者提供某种建议或指南例如如何保持健康、如何高效学习等等

5. 看法观点在文章中表达自己的观点和看法包括正反两方面

6. 讲故事讲述一个有趣、感人或警示性的故事

7. 介绍地方介绍一个城市或景点的历史、文化、特色等等

8. 书信应用写一封书信表达感谢、道歉、邀请等等

9. 写日记写一篇日记记录自己的生活、经历和感悟

10. 综合应用将上述不同类型作文组合在一起完成一篇综合性作文



1. Narrative Essay 记叙文

A narrative essay tells a story or recounts an event. It typically includes a beginning middle and end and may include dialogue setting descriptions and characterizations.


2. Descriptive Essay 描写文

A descriptive essay aims to provide a detailed and vivid description of a person place object or event. The writer may use sensory details and figurative language to create a sensory impression for the reader.


3. Expository Essay 议论文

An expository essay may explain or describe a concept process or phenomenon. It typically presents a thesis statement or argument and uses evidence and examples to support it.


4. Persuasive Essay 劝说文

A persuasive essay attempts to convince the reader to adopt a certain viewpoint position or opinion. It typically presents a strong argument and uses rhetorical devices and evidence to support it.


5. Argumentative Essay 议论文

An argumentative essay is similar to a persuasive essay in that it attempts to convince the reader to adopt a certain viewpoint or position. However it presents both sides of an issue and refutes the opposing arguments before presenting its own argument.


6. Compare and Contrast Essay 对比文

A compare and contrast essay compares and contrasts two or more objects ideas or events. It typically presents a thesis statement or argument and uses evidence and examples to support it.


7. Cause and Effect Essay 因果文

A cause and effect essay yzes the causes and effects of a particular event trend or phenomenon. It typically presents a thesis statement or argument and uses evidence and examples to support it.


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